Natural Products Today for a Greener Tomorrow

Organic Nutrients

Success in organic farming starts with being particular about what you use to grow your crops. With the right products and agronomic expertise, you can cultivate healthy, sustainable crops to meet the ever-growing demand for organic goods.

We offer a range of organic nutrients and tailored guidance to help you unlock your farm’s full potential. Whether you’re looking to enhance soil health, boost yields, or align with eco-friendly practices, we’re here to help you grow a greener, more productive future.


Fertilizer Bulk & 50 lb. bags
Nature Safe 13-0-0
Nitrogen Plus 15-0-2
Rock Phosphate (P15) 0-6-0-22Ca
Sulfate of Potash 0-0-50-18S
Gypsum 22Ca, S16
Humiflore 20Ca, Mg4, S5
Magnesium sulfate/Epsom Salt 13S, Mg9.8
Sulfur 90%

Micronutrients 50 lb. bags
Boron 10% (Bulk & 50 lb. bags)
Copper Sulfate 25%
Zinc Sulfate 35%
Manganese Sulfate 32%
Ferrous Sulfate 30%

Liquid Fertilizer
Fertiactyl Organic (Humic & Fulvic acid + Seaweed extract)

Water Soluble Fertilizer
Nature Safe 7-7-7

We have or can get most common organic insecticides such as:
Dipel, Pyganic, Venerate, Grandevo, M-Pede, Stylet oil and more

We have or can get most common organic fungicides such as:
Regalia, Double Nickle, Stargus, M-Pede, Serenade, Stimplex & Badge X2

*This is just a sample of organic products that may be available from our suppliers.

Press Release - Persist™ Biochar Receives OMRI Listing® for Organic Use -  V-Grid Energy Systems

Vist Nature Safe’s website for their full product portfolio: